Friday, January 10, 2025
Week of the Epiphany of the Lord, Friday, January 10, 2025
Loving Divine Family,
We enter your sacred prayer space, drawn in at the invitation of Life-giving Spirit. She envelops us. Even our nostrils fill with Spirit’s fragrances. She is sage. She is sweetgrass and incense. She is the tobacco within our prayer pipes. She is the collection of prayers throughout the ages. Here, within your veil, you equip us with words and wisdom.
There is no one like you, Loving God. Your ways are not our ways. Thank you for revealing your mysterious wisdom through the Holy Spirit.
I inhale and exhale with Life-giving Spirit today, Loving Creator, and thank you for…
We marvel at the revelations of how you have journeyed with us and guided our footsteps. We rest at the intersection of your good news of Christ’s salvation and our faithful response. Give us words to tell our stories; open the ears of those who hear.
With joy we praise you!
Cherie and Donovan Mutschler
Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 29
Ecclesiastes 2:1-11