Friday, January 24, 2025

Second Week after the Epiphany, Friday, January 24, 2025
Loving Divine Family,
We enter your sacred prayer space to go with purpose wherever you send us. Our bags are packed; we’re ready to go. Bring us with you from foreign lands of exile. Return us, once again, to the land and purpose you prepared for us long ago.
Loving God, we call out to you for your mercy, grace, and direction. Open doors that only you can open and no one else can close. Move the hearts of those in power, so your will be done. Reveal to us the plans and what we need to ask for. Thank you, your favour is upon us and for your blessings.
I journey home with you today, Loving Saviour, and thank you for…
Speak, LORD, so we will hear your voice. Though we may not always understand, we will follow your instructions. Turn water into the choicest wine before us, so all who taste it will know you are the God who restores and saves.
With joy we praise you!
Cherie and Donovan Mutschler
Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 19
Romans 12:1-8