Friday, January 31, 2025

Third Week after the Epiphany, Friday, January 31, 2025
Loving Divine Family,
We gather at your Water Gate, at your Rock of Refuge. We have journeyed far, following your words and wisdom, using faith markers of our ancestors as beacons along your Ancient Path. You have always been our guide, throughout the generations.
Loving, Righteous God, we place our hope in you. We call out to you in hardship and adversity knowing you hear and answer us. Thank you for never abandoning us. You give life and breath; we will rely on you.
I celebrate your presence with me today, Sovereign LORD, and thank you for…
Since before we were born, you are our God. You placed your dream within us. You prepared the way for us. Thanks be to you, for we are forever in your embrace.
With joy we praise you!
Cherie and Donovan Mutschler
Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
2 Chronicles 35:20-27
Acts 19:1-10