Friday, September 27, 2024

Sunset pause, Saskatchewan (Photo Credit: Lara Stoudt)
“Esther 2:1-23 (New Century Version)” by Connie Beingessner.

Eighteenth Week After Pentecost, Friday, September 27, 2024

Esther 2:1-23

Loving Divine Family,

We gather at the King’s Gate, attentive to your sovereignty but also to the grumbling of others towards you. We enter your sacred prayer space, bringing our concerns to you. Life-giving Spirit surrounds us. You reassure us that we are safe and that those who conspire against you are already exposed and have sealed their own fates. 

Loving Yahweh, thank you for this sacred time with you. We meditate on you. We look to you, instead of our circumstances. We look to you for peace, love, and prosperity.

I am safe in your embrace today, Mighty King, and thank you for…

Gather us together, so we will remain faithful in your presence as kingdoms fall around us. We will listen to your words of wisdom and reassurance. We long for your loving embrace around us, now and forever.

With joy we praise you!


Cherie and Donovan Mutschler

Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 124
Acts 12:20-25

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