Saturday, January 11, 2025
Week of the Epiphany of the Lord, Saturday, January 11, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
Week of the Epiphany of the Lord, Saturday, January 11, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
Place us in your presence. Surround us with your wise council of Elders and Spiritual Directors. Encourage us to speak favourably about you, and encourage others as we journey together.
Speak, LORD, so we will hear your voice. Though we may not always understand, we will follow your instructions. Turn water into the choicest wine before us, so all who taste it will know you are the God who restores and saves.
Loving God, your ways are not our ways. We confess our lust for power, reputation, and status. Thank you for your gentle reminder we are your beloved creation. You love us. Thank you, the Holy Spirit is a gift of grace, mercy, and intimacy. May we be conduits of your love and Spirit to bless others and not to control them. We love you.
You are our LORD of Love. You see the inequity of human laws and set all things equal among your believers. We enter your sacred prayer space with the sins of our ancestors upon us. But you place your perfect laws of equity, equality and love before us.
We hear the invitation to join with creation to sing your praises. The call is for everyone; no one is excluded. Praise to you, our God and King. You fulfil your promises and your love is boundless. Praise to you.
We journey together upon your Ancient Path, in the company of friends and family. With our attention on each other, we sometimes lose sight of you and are no longer in your presence. We give thanks that we know you are in your sacred prayer space, waiting for us to return to you.