Saturday, January 18, 2025

First Week after the Epiphany, Saturday, January 18, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
First Week after the Epiphany, Saturday, January 18, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
You make all things perfect in your time. Give us patience to wait for your message and wisdom to wait on you alone. Give us discernment to not expect others to do what only you can do for us.
You beckon us to come away with you. Give us feet ready to run with you. Comfort and assure us as we lay in your presence, in your vast and bountiful meadows. We want for nothing, for you are with us.
Yahweh, you are our God. You are the God of life and abundance. With human eyes we see scarcity, but through your eyes, we see abundance. Thank you for the companions who give us words of faith that quiet the fear and calm our inner beings.
We feel challenged and pressed on all sides by the pressures and uncertainties of life. We enter your sacred prayer space and name each of our fears to you as you patiently and lovingly listen to us. Life-giving Spirit encircles us; she kisses and calms us. Your voice is the wind and thunder to us. You assure us we will be safe.
Send us as you will, LORD. Send us through the streets to share the good news of your birth. Send us back to the pasturelands to share with those who did not run with us. Send us to remain by your side to worship you. Send us, and we will go with you to share your glory!
We marvel at the revelations of how you have journeyed with us and guided our footsteps. We rest at the intersection of your good news of Christ’s salvation and our faithful response. Give us words to tell our stories; open the ears of those who hear.