Thursday, August 22, 2024

The sun sets and breaks over the mountains, Osoyoos, British Columbia (Photo Credit: Lara Stoudt)
“1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 (Good News Translation)” by Connie Beingessner.

Thirteenth Week After Pentecost, Thursday, August 22, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Loving Divine Family,

You invite us into your sacred prayer space, into your great mystery. We are surrounded by your light. You fill us with your teachings. You invite us to hear and understand, so we will be prepared to journey with you across all thresholds of this world and into eternity. 

We enter your holy prayer space, celebrating we are your children of light. Thank you for the instruction to put on faith, love, and hope. We get rid of doubt, anger, and hatred. Thank you for the gift of community, which encourages us to grow in faith, love, and hope.

I believe in your eternity today, Loving Saviour, and thank you for…

You are the Bread of Life. We will eat of your life-giving bread and not hunger. We will drink your life-giving water and no longer thirst. We will hear your teachings in this world, and journey with you forever into the next.

With joy we praise you!


Cherie and Donovan Mutschler

Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 84
1 Kings 4:20-28

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