Thursday, January 9, 2025

Sunrise over the Rockies, Exshaw, British Columbia (Photo Credit: Karin Pasternak)
“Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 (New International Version)” by Mark Beingessner.

Week of the Epiphany of the Lord, Thursday, January 9, 2025

Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

Loving Divine Family,

Since the beginning of time, there has only been you and your creation. Seasons turn in their time–life is born, lives, dies, and gives way to new life. All things are made new in your timing, according to your perfect plan.  

Lord of Light, there is darkness all around us. It feels hopeless and we question why it matters. We look at our surroundings, instead of you. In the silence, we hear your gentle voice inviting us to allow the knowledge of our mortality to lead us to humility and not despair. In the dark night of the soul, you are here with us. Your ways are too marvelous for us to comprehend.

I trust in your perfect plan today, Loving Creator, and thank you for…

Forbid it, LORD, that we should ever lose sight of your beautiful revelations or our place within your plan. May we recall the stories of renewal you provided to our ancestors. May all who come behind us find us faithful.

With joy we praise you!


Cherie and Donovan Mutschler

Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 29
1 Corinthians 1:18-31

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