Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Twelfth Week After Pentecost, Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Loving Divine Family,
We enter your sacred prayer space, seeking your provisions for the day. We are hungry for your word, wisdom, and manna. You greet us with your loving embrace; Life-giving Spirit encircles and penetrates our being as we join you at your banquet table. “Receive my life,” you declare to us. The mountains tremble at the sound of your voice, and creation responds in celebration.
Jesus, bread of life, thank you for doing the will of Abba Father by modelling how to live. Thank you for your life of obedience. Thank you, through your obedience, we are drawn closer to the Father. You do not drive us away. Divine Family, we cherish the nourishment you provide us and how you sustain us.
I receive your life today, Mighty God, and thank you for…
Be our beacon, so we will return only to you for our daily provisions. You, LORD, are our resurrection and life. We believe your promise that we will live forever; even though we die, you will raise us up.
With joy we praise you!
Cherie and Donovan Mutschler
Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 57
2 Samuel 19:1-18