wednesday, january 15, 2025

First Week after the Epiphany, Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Loving Divine Family,
You are our LORD of Love. You see the inequity of human laws and set all things equal among your believers. We enter your sacred prayer space with the sins of our ancestors upon us. But you place your perfect laws of equity, equality and love before us.
Loving Adonai, you know us by name. You care for our individual needs. You have more power than any institution, government, or ruler. Thank you to the daughters of Zelophehad who show us how to approach you and to know you want the best of the best for us. May we treat our inheritance with gratitude and respect.
I am grateful for your perfect laws today, LORD of Love, and thank you for…
Our names are written in your book as co-heirs with Christ in your Kingdom. We stand together as equals in your presence, before your priests and prophets. All glory to you, LORD, for none of us have been lost from your inheritance.
With joy we praise you!
Cherie and Donovan Mutschler
Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Psalm 106:1-12
Luke 11:33-36